Chronicles of #becanddan! Swiss cup1
Date Posted:25 June 2017

#becanddan! Swiss Cup Gränichen Welcome to the chronicles of #becanddan! This is the start of a series of reports that’s takes you on a journey across Europe. the determination required, along with the trials and tribulations traveling and racing the World cup series can bring.
Swiss Cup
Bec Wins & Dan 6th
Location: Gränichen, Switzerland
Another week, another race. It was a successful weekend of racing for #becanddan. This time located in Gränichen, Switzerland, is the biggest Swiss cup of the year with over 900 participants with both Elite Men's and Women's categories.
The Swiss have done us Aussies proud with temperatures over 30 degrees with the races at 12.45pm and 3pm. We definitely felt the heat of the day.
Here's what Dan has to say about the Swiss Cup: "I had a really good start and was able to lead the first lap, while I struggled on laps two and three I was able to follow wheels which helped me get back into the race after dropping to 12th position. From there I was able to push hard for the remaining three laps finishing with a sprint for 5th and 6th position. I am slightly disappointed to miss the podium in 6th but I am happy with my progress and I am looking forward to some more fine tuning in the lead into the next block of World Cups."
Now let's see Bec's perspective of the races: "I was a little nervous for the long road climb to start the race but was able to get into the single track in front for the first descent. The field split up pretty quickly and I was able to get away on lap 2 of 6. The heat and longer race was going to be a big factor in the second half of the race so it was important for me to keep riding at my own rhythm as well as good fuelling and hydration throughout the race. This wasn't an easy task as I felt pressure for the entire race knowing the quality of riders that were chasing me.
It's feels great to get a win and it's important for me to enjoy it as they don't come easy!"
Thank you for reading the Chronicles of #becanddan, and getting behind their endeavours in representing Australia at a high tier level. Your support is very much appreciated!
Until next time.